Genesis Radio Group G5GRG
About Us
The Genesis Radio Group is a new approach to our hobby.
Founded in May 2022, the Genesis Radio Group is a group of like minded individuals who wanted a more relaxed approach to talk about, and operate, radios without the constraints of the traditional club.
There are no Club Officers, Constitutions, Membership Fees, or concerns of where to find the money to cover the cost of the club house rent - just people having fun, free from all the usual politics.
The Genesis Radio Group currently operates in the North West of England, but we are hoping to eventually expand UK wide and beyond.
Everybody in the Group is equal, so you decide what it is you that you want from the Group.
We meet on Wednesday evenings from 19:30 onwards.
The last Wednesday of the month is put aside for a cafe/pub meet, the location of which rotates in order that as many members as possible can have a chance to turn up.
The remaining Wednesdays in the month are put aside to actually go out and do radio, either: mobile, portable, or even from home if you can't make it out and about.
You will find information about what the Group is up to by visiting our Forum by clicking on the link below:-
Here you will find details of equipment, on air operating, and much more.
Contact Us
For further information please use the Contact Form below:-​